We are sailing in uncharted waters folks! For professional rugby players to be cooped up indoors and not
playing games, can be especially hard on the body and mind to adapt to a change in routine, and being
isolated from teammates. However, this is also an opportunity to flip what could be a challenging time, into a
positive upbeat experience. A time where you can truly press the reset and recovery button.


Here are a few tips to help make isolation a pleasant and purposeful experience:

1. Accept your new normal for what it is

Keep things in perspective. Be patient, it is temporary.

2. Plan your time

Create a daily routine that includes, exercise, family time, chores, and personal development. Before you go
to bed, write down your schedule for the next day. This will help you stay focused on the tasks you need to

If you have kids, plan some fun things to do indoors. Like, play board or card games or make craft. If you’re
lucky to have a back yard, go outside and play with them. They would love having daddy home to play with.

3. Use the time to engage in personal development

This is a great time to put in some PD. PRP will be offering online workshops in the next week. Marion (France)
and Junior (UK) will be in contact with players in their region about these workshops.
You can also go online and buy courses via Udemy and Coursera. Both organisations have a great selection of
online courses.

4. Don’t sit around binge-watching TV or Netflix

When you lie in bed for a long time and become lethargic and sluggish, the mind follows.

5. Stay connected

Reach out to family and friends back home. This is a good time to make contact with family and friends you
haven’t connected with in a long time.

6. Be aware of what enters your mind

Be informed about what is happening in your region, but don’t become a news zombie. Manage your daily
news intake whether it be on TV, or by social media. Control what you can control!

7. Limit your kava and alcohol use

This is not the time to binge drink kava and alcohol. You don’t want the weight gain, do you? If you decide to drink kava and alcohol, do not share bilo/cups.

8. Stay healthy

It is important during this time that you maintain good health practices. Practice good hygiene by washing your hands with soap for 25-30 seconds.
Eat healthy foods. Drink lots of water. Maintain a daily exercise routine. Maintain regular sleep. Practice self-care, for example, listen to music, meditation, mindfulness, or read a book.

Follow your local health authority’s guidelines on COVID-19.

Source: Psychcentral.com